So the Southern belle in me hates the utter rudeness of New Yorkers. I took the train with the commoners this evening and was totally disgusted. First my punk ass was scared to take out my white ear phones because I didn't want to alert any bum ass wanna be thugs to the fact that I had an ipod. My friend V says everyone has one these days but I'll be damned if someone jacks me for my birthday gift. I'd have to scrap and probably throw a nig' in the tracks.
Anyways, I get off to transfer to the J train and as I get on I see these little rug rats chit chatting. This non-English speaking woman was sitting across from them. Apparently she was staring at them for quite some time and with reason. From the corner of my eye one chick's leg was thrown over the lap of the other chick and they were LOUD. Mind you this is the damn train, feet should be planted on the fucking floor. So at this point I hear one of the girls say, "She understands English, that's why she's all in our face" followed by another, "No she doesn't, leave her alone." Keep in mind, this woman is old enough to be their mother. So then I hear one of the girls say "fuck you". I shook my head and twisted my mouth. She repeats the insult several times before getting off at my stop.
I'm not going to say the entire generation, but a lot of the kids of this new generation are highly misguided. Having a young mom or living in the projects is no excuse for the foolishness either. It's beyond me for a minor to have blatant disrespect for an adult. I would've been locked up tonight anyhow that was me.
Moving along, I'm coming down the stairs and as I go through the door this dude in front of me is having a melt down. He must've complimented a sister and she must've rolled her eyes which led to his chemical imbalance. I tune in at the point he goes "all Black woman do is roll their eyes" *
and give birth to your black ass* So I knit my brows and turn to see if someone was behind me because I knew this mother effer wasn't talking to me. We're going down the second level of stairs which lead to the street and he's really hot now. "they can win a the tightest outfit, get your hair and nails done...and when a nigga (or might have been brotha) try to compliment you, you roll your eyes"
So I'm walking behind this loser and he happens to see another man walking and relives his heartbreak. Before I totally tuned him out, I heard him say "I'm going to get my hair cut, get all dressed up and if some female say what's up to me I'm going to roll my eyes".
In short dude was a moron and the chicks on the train were cunt buckets.