Tuesday, May 22, 2007

The Work Place

Today's blog is brought to you by a disgruntled employee, ME! I blame a bootleg temp agency for my current place of work. Yeah I didn't have to tell the cock sucker that I wanted the job, but hey a sister has to eat. I share an office with a 63 year old woman, who talks incessantly. She probably would still speak with my espadrilles trapped down her throat. Moving along, I am going to note the most irking things to hear before the clock strikes 12 p.m.

1. Good Morning *rolls eyes*
2. Oh you changed your hair...how did you do that?
3. My father fell again...(followed by how and which body part bled *gags*)
4. The smell of hard boiled eggs, which is her daily breakfast.
5. I'm not coming in on Friday, so I'm going to let all the sales people know to call your extension. *from this point forward I have to hear her tell each sales person to call my extension on Friday*

Thank God, I have been sort of blessed with the tool of tuning people out! Because if not it would be hell of hard to explain how I managed to turn my workplace into Camp Crystal Lake.


ExpatCentral said...

*sends you a small desk fan to blow the boiled egg smell away from you* I'd trade you for my coworker who always smells like cat pee, though...

-I can't take it

Julia_Claudine_Deveraux said...

A mess you are! LMAO! Camp Crystal Lake!*inserts chi-chi-chi-koo-koo-koo music*

I get sick of the endless workplace banter myself. I just want to come to work, do my job, and read blogs and shop on the net in between. I don't want to hear about your 50-11 cats, your funny looking grandkids or how much you hate your job.

Ticia said...

I hate the workplace non-sense....